The KHS America Family of Brands


My instrument has a Prop 65 Warning on it. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

The presence of a Prop 65 warning might be surprising if you’re not familiar with the law, but it’s often more about compliance than a specific risk. However, you will frequently find this warning on many ordinary items around you every day, and also in restaurants and other businesses. This warning is the result of a law passed in California in 1986, referred to as the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, or more generally referred to as “Proposition 65.”


Proposition 65 requires businesses to provide warnings to Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Exposure to these chemicals may take place when products are acquired or used. Exposure may also occur in homes, workplaces, or other environments in California. By requiring that this information be provided, Proposition 65 enables Californians to make informed decisions about their exposures to these chemicals.

In providing such warnings, Proposition 65 also requires labels to be placed on any product, product packaging, or literature accompanying a product that contains any of the chemicals that OEHHA has listed. A complete list can be found here:

Here are some considerations when interpreting these warnings:

  1. Not Always a Health Risk: A Prop 65 warning doesn’t necessarily mean that the product or location is dangerous. It indicates that the item contains a chemical listed by the state of California, but it doesn’t guarantee that exposure will lead to harm.
  2. Broad Scope: California’s list of chemicals is extensive and includes many substances that are present in everyday products, often in very small quantities. The warning can sometimes seem overly cautious because it includes even minor exposures.
  3. Legal Requirement: The warning is a legal requirement for businesses operating in California. Even if the risk is minimal or the exposure is well below levels known to cause harm, businesses must provide the warning if a listed chemical is present.
  4. Context Matters: Consider the context. For instance, a product might carry a Prop 65 warning because it contains a chemical in a concentration that is legally required to be disclosed, but it might still be considered safe for normal use.

For more information about Proposition 65, visit: Proposition 65 No Significant Risk Levels and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels

KHS America complies with all applicable laws, including Proposition 65. We believe our products are safe when used as designed and in proper condition. We provide the warning to comply with Proposition 65.

To get a clearer picture on the Prop 65 initiative, please visit:


With most of our products being sold globally, it is not practical to determine which instrument will specifically be sold in the state of California. Additionally, instruments or accessories can be sold outside of the state and later brought in as well. With this in mind, we choose to include these warnings on all our products, regardless of initial destination. If the laws of your local area do not require this warning, you are free to remove it prior to resale.

Should you have any additional questions regarding the Proposition 65 warning and what it means for you, please contact us.